Self Driving Car with Jetson Nano : Lane Tracking , OpenCV Course – Udemy, Jun 2024
Self Driving Car with Jetson Nano : Lane Tracking , OpenCV Course by 👑 Yılmaz Alaca from Udemy, Jun 2024!
Course Description:
The Self Driving Car with Jetson Nano : Lane Tracking , OpenCV Course on Udemy, is a very good beginner course for building an autonomous vehicle using NVIDIA Jetson Nano. If you are just starting out in programing or electronics, then this course is for you: it will teach you how to put together the hardware and software behind a self-driving car in a very step by step manner.
The first part of the course explains how to install the Jetson Nano and familiarizes students with installing hardware such as webcams, L298n motor drivers, and PCA9685 PWM drivers. These devices are used to capture image data, control motors, and generate specific PWM signals required for autonomous vehicle operation.
Image processing with OpenCV takes up a large portion of the course. By teaching how to process images, learners will create a strong foundation in image processing techniques in Python, especially contour-based lane detection algorithms. Lane tracking mechanisms are further explored to teach students how to use this data to control vehicle movements effectively.
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